Dear CKLN Community Members, Volunteers and Friends,
About three weeks ago we sent out a message informing you all of our intention to hold
elections to CKLN's Board of Directors on June 14. We remain committed to holding fair and democratic elections. The positions for which there will be an election include Community Representatives
(2), Volunteer Representatives (2) and Former Core Staff Representative (1).
That date is coming closer and our plans are on track.The meeting will take place
Sunday June 14 at 2pm. The location is still to be determined. We are working to arrange the meeting at Ryerson, if possible.
We have been working with Michael Harnett, Mercedez Otway, Peter Toh and Toby Whitfield to build a consensus on how this election will run. Their contributions have been valuable.
With them we have agreed on the following conditions for the election:
1. Volunteers and staff members eligible to vote and run for election will have worked at least three hours in at least one six week period , between 1 February 2008 and 10 June 2009.
2. A former core staff (Station Manager, Program Director, News Director, or Music Director) would have worked at CKLN at any time in at least one of those positions and no longer works at CKLN in any position. (Staff members - core staff, part-time staff and volunteers are eligible to vote for volunteer representatives and former core staff representative.)
3. Community members must have contributed at least $20 to CKLN by June 12 2009. A community member may not be a Student, core or part-time Staff member. Community members may still contribute this amount.
Directors must be residents in Canada; 18 years of age or older, with power under law to contract. At least 80% of directors must be Canadian citizens.
We would like to talk more about this meeting with members of the CKLN community. We plan to do this between 7-9PM on Thursday June 4, 2009. We know this is short notice and appreciate any effort you can make to attend this meeting. Please monitor this list for details regarding the location.
Thank you all, in this community of volunteers, students and listeners for getting us to this point. Please continue that work by encouraging fellow community members and volunteers to attend these meetings.
Please help get the word out.
In Solidarity
Conrad Collaco
Heather Douglas
Geoff McDonald
Arnold Minors
Ron Nelson