To the Sisters Stations across Canada that carried our signal and broadcast; your support and solidarity means a great deal and was part of our success in making this special broadcast in exile happen! And many thanks also to your listeners for their most valued and appreciated attention!
CKUT in Montreal (90.3 FM,
CHRY in Toronto (105.5 FM,
CFRU in Guelph (93.3 FM,
CJUM in Manitoba (101.5 FM,
Co-op Radio in Vancouver (102.7 FM,
The Black Mask Show on CKUW in Winnipeg (95.9 FM,
CHSR in Fredericton (97.9 FM,
CFRC in Kingston (101.9 FM,
We also want to send out a shout out to those sister radio stations that will be downloading and re-playing archived material from this broadcast. These include:
CJSF in Burnaby (90.1 FM,
KNFS-LP 98.1 FM in Tulare, California
We also want to thank organizations, small businesses and community allies who have stepped up, endorsed this broadcast and/or contributed to making it a reality.. You are all fine examples of what community radio is all about! These are:
CAPA - The Coalition Against Psychiatric Assault
The Association of Part-time Undergraduate Students at Ryerson
Basics Community Newsletter
Basics Radio
The Canadian Federation of Students
Christine Gude
Eric Mills
Dr. Beverly Lewis
Stephane Bertrand (CKUT’s host of the Avalanche)
Siue at Boardwalk Chocolates
My Market Bakery & Cheese Magic
The Toronto IWD Fair organizers
Ron Nelson, Lisa West & REGGAEMANIA.COM
And to the owners and staff at the Imperial Pub for allowing us the space to broadcast and for accommodating our group and organizing efforts now and always!
Also, one big round for two strong and special womyn whose support and work in
collaboration with our collective have made what some thought too immense to pull off, an inspiring and empowering action. They are Kristiana Clemens, music director at CKUT and former CKLN'r and Ryerson alumna (who produced our rockin’ PSA all the way in Montreal and in less than a day!), and Gretchen King, News Director also with CKUT Radio and a generous source of advice, help and solidarity!
And to Leela Chinniah, Program Co-ordinator at Vancouver Co-op Radio for her belief and commitment to this process from the very beginning and for her solidarity with our struggle to reclaim the airwaves, for the community and by the community!
To our Techs Dale Whitmore and Sheila Chevalier who helped us get through these 5 hours as seamlessly as possible.
We are also very grateful to the many volunteers (especially Jonah for the much running and assistance) who joined us from the beginning ‘til the end. And the rest of our fellow programmers, community members and allies who came down to the pub to support this radio action and made it a memorable and historical event for us all!